Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Welcome to My Writing World

Welcome to my little writing corner of the world. Here's a quick pic of my office, in a cleaner state than I'm used to! I've started and abandoned blogs and wasn't sure I wanted to start this one. The thing is, I love interaction with people and I'm not sure websites offer as much give and take. I suppose I'll have to capitulate and get another website down the line but I thought today I'd start a new blog. I hope to hell I know what I'm doing. Technology frequently escapes me. I'm 55 years old, I have a limited amount of time each day, and I grew up when a single computer filled an entire room. Kind of like hitting the trifecta when it comes to cluelessness putting together any social media, right? Ugh!
I thought I'd include an excerpt from my book, Children of Light, here. I'll be doing readings from the book at the Holidaze Arts Bazaar at The Lismore in Eau Claire. The group, Chippewa Valley Local Authors, is hosting a double sized booth. One half is for local authors reading pieces from their books. The other booth, or other half, is a place where you can purchase books by the authors. Check the schedule at the entry as well as the one in front of our booth to see when your favorite local author is speaking.
Excerpt from Children of Light (Chapter 14 - Grief)
  Denial, a stage of grief, I believe, is God's way of protecting us from too much challenge. He enters into our lives and helps us deal with one thing at a time. Society might tell us that denial isn't healthy; not only is it healthy, it's a critical way of coping with something that might be too big to handle all at once. It's a survival mechanism.
     We cannot stay in a hyperaroused state of emotions or we will collapse. Denial is not an all or nothing stage of grief but can offer the benefit of a filter. We let more information in with time, when we are able to handle it. I honestly don't believe in the phrase or concept of being "in denial." We can deny certain items our attention, intellectually and emotionally, while we deal with more pressing matters. That doesn't make us incapable of dealing with the denied issues. We will deal with them eventually. For now, our plate is full, and we have prioritized the best way we know how.
Please stop by and say hello at Holidaze Arts at The Lismore. I'll be there Friday afternoon for a while and again Saturday morning, November 20 and 21.

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